Oct 8, 2011

AMAZING!! BoobieThon in SL Donates $2133.88

There are no words right now - only elation and exhaustion. Pure emotion.

Thanks to all the volunteers and donors for making this year's BoobieThon in SL the best one ever!!

More words will come this weekend, when I can take time to reflect on it all, but for now:

$L 537,776!!!

Oct 5, 2011

BoobieThon with a View

What a wonderful week it has been here at the 4th Annual BoobieThon in SL! I wanted to share some of the scenes from events with you and let you know about the upcoming events as well.

Thank you for your on-going generosity!! I should have a new mid-week total to announce sometime later today. [SOME IMAGES NSFW!]



Oct 2, 2011

Pictures from an Exhibition...& an opening party...& the En Garde Tournament

Pictures being worth a thousand words... 
Boobiethon Opening Party! 
Opening night party at my new home, Cliffs of Skye in Magna Carta. 
(photo credit: Frequency Picnic)

Boobiethon Opening Party 
Opening party (photo credit: PJ Trenton) Stormy Mefusula 
Stormy Mefusula, the Chief Boobie Officer of the RL BoobieThon (photo credit: PJ Trenton). Art Auction Opening 
Art Auction at RoHaus (photo credit: PJ Trenton) Eva Bellambi and Frequency Picnic 
Eva and Frequency (photo credit: PJ Trenton) Auction Curator Rowan Derryth 
Rowan Derryth (photo credit: PJ Trenton) 

 At the En Garde Tournament

 Sexy Serra - drumming up donations

 Calli looking fierce!

Irreverence.  Check!
Fun.  Check!
Raising money for Breast Cancer Research.  CHECK!!


After a wonderful - dare I say, 'grand' - opening day for BoobieThon in SL, we resume our week of fundraising today with the En Garde tournament.  We have affectionately called this sporting event Touche for Boobies.  It should be a spectacle of epic proportions as fierce competitors battle it out on the pistes in Winterfell Anodyne at the BoobieBall Garden.

Come enjoy the sport and donate to the BoobieThon.  As well you will be surrounded by the designer vendors where you will find fantastic clothing, accessories, and items of every shape and size.

See you there!!

Oct 1, 2011

4th Annual BoobieThon in SL - Opening Night

It's October 1, 2011!  That means BoobieThon 2011 is underway in both real life and Second Life.
I'm ready!!  Are you??

It was a good morning for me to remember to perform my monthly self-breast exam in real life.  (That reminds me, one of my fabulous content creating friends really needs to create a self-breast exam animation for Second Life.  Any volunteer should IM me in world or email me at evabellambi@gmail.com)

Tonight the designer vendors open at the BoobieBall Garden in Winterfell Anodyne/180/250/30 at 6pm SLT.  We have a wonderful group of designers who have joined the cause this year.  We are fortunate enough to even have a furnished cottage for you to view and purchase.  The model home is on display just beside of the BoobieBall Garden island.  A HUGE thank you to all our contributors!

All is made ready for your arrival

The opening party will be held at my new home in Magna Carta.  It is called Cliffs of Skye after my beloved Isle of Skye in Winterfell Anodyne. We'll start on the 3rd floor "party deck" and dance and donate to the tunes spun by DJ Freq!  At 7:30pm, the conga line to RoHaus will begin as the Art Auction opens to bidders.  The auction will run through October 6th at 8pm SLT when the final bid will be taken.

I will let the auction poster speak for itself.  Amazing!  The art that has been donated is really beyond compare - stunning photographs, paintings, sculptures, and other works of art.

Can't wait to see you tonight!

As our real life BoobieThon counterparts always say, "We share because we care."