Apr 30, 2008

The Fires of Beltane

Come join me in Loch Avie at 7pm tonight as we celebrate Beltane!

The Fires of Love (Beltane)

by: Ian R. Thorpe

Embrace the purifying flame,
throw off the cloak of inhibition.
Stoke the good fires of Beltane
and let the flames fuel love’s fission.

The sun climbs high to summer glory,
unfolds the leaf and swells the bud,
delivering all of nature’s dowry
and a promise, now misunderstood.

From atom’s heart to human heart
spring passes the vitalising flame
and in each nucleus a spark
sets passion’s ardent torch aflame.


A seed begins to grow in the Highland soil of the middle ages

The Veil between the worlds grows thinner. I found myself falling through the standing stones last night. I seemed to be in the lands and times of my ancestors. Even there the fertile summer season was upon the land. Perhaps this portal will remain open to us through the fires of Beltane.

Rapid, unusual growth in this time and place