Kate has taught me that "many years" is a traditional blessing that is given at the end of each Sunday service to those in her local Orthodox congregation who are celebrating birthdays. As I began thinking about writing this piece on our 3rd Rez Day celebration, I thought this was just the perfect thing to say avatars in SL. There are at least two reasons.
1)the desire to wish the person behind the avatar well, expressing the hope that their avatar will remain and flourish for years to come.
and 2) the recognition that every year in real life equals 6 years in SL. (Many years indeed.)
It felt good and right that Kate and I would celebrate our Rez Days together this year since we met on my very first day in world and have been fast friends ever since that time. Her real life has kept her out of SL a lot over the last year or so, but we do try our best to spend time together in world when the chance arises, plotting and planning good things for the Royal Society, or exploring, or simply just catching up.
There have certainly been times in the last 3 years that I have seriously considered giving Second Life up all together. I need not recount the reasons or dramas here, but I will say that there have been many lessons-learned.
What has kept me here?
Good friends are the first and foremost reason.
The outlet for creativity - expressed both in world and in this blog as well as others. The sheer joy of discovery that happens when one goes, for instance to visit AM Radio and his latest work of art.
The humor and silliness that can also happen are truly draws as well. It's good to be able to let one's hair down at times and just laugh and play.
I should also say that as someone who's human works full time in her professional field and is raising two fabulous children that one should not diminish the feeling of stress relief that can be gained by a friendly (or not so friendly) match on the tournament sands, the fencing piste, or behind the cannon of an ironclad. :) Sometimes you just can't top battles or blowing things up!
The STEAMY party itself was great fun! Thanks to all of you who attended. We went an hour over the scheduled time because we were all just having too much fun for it to end. And during that time as people came and went, we maintained about 35 or so guests. The dancing and conversation were fabulous, and the music provided by Gabrielle Riel was perfect! Once again, my dear cousin created a play list for us that was spot on.
Thanks also for all the good thoughts and well wishes; for presents and private notes. I will cherish these things - and do.
Much love & many years, my friends!

The Rez Day Girls party on with friends.
(seen in this shot, Otenth Paderborn, Klaus Wulfenbach, Gabrielle Riela & Azul Draken)

We were blessed to have friends from Winterfell, Caledon, Steelhead, New Babbage, and other varied sims.

(one looked very familiar :p)

Eva dearie, you rock! It is my great fortune to have spent the last 3 years in your company (and good graces). I'm not quite sure what more to add without turning melodramatic, so I'll stop here.
P.S.: Many years! (with basso profundo goodness)
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