And what an incredible ride it has been!!
Thanks go to our loving and ever patient leader, Guvnah Desmond Shang. Without him there is no Caledon; there would be no "Us".
From the Caledon Wiki (and our covenant documents):
Caledon is a small, windswept forested country at a temperate latitude. Wild creatures, country estate life, sights and sounds that were common well over 100 years ago are the hallmark of the land.
Technology is approximately that of the 19th Century, though some astonishing breakthroughs have provided for incredible wonders. Ground vehicles, airships, and even a device known as a 'telehub' are made possible through the power of exotic material properties and the wonders of Steam Technology.
The government is an expansionist monarchy, supported by a strong aristocracy (i.e., residents). Caledon once offered the opportunity for residents to take their turn at "Stewardship", a post which can involve answering questions, restarting sims, banning obvious griefers &c. As the complexity of a large estate grew, the burden on one Steward's shoulders became too great, and the role is now filled by a corps of about 10 estate managers appointed by the Guvnah--some serving openly, some quietly.
As Caledon has grown, it has made contact with a number of other nations that share many of her values. Some of these nations now share direct sea passage and have formed a coalition known as the Realm of the Roses to promote their mutual interests.
This growing community is far too complex to attempt to qualify or quantify in this brief musing, but know that for the last 20 months of my Second Life it has been my home and my community. We are oftimes a dysfunctional growing family, but we are in the end a family - a community. I continue to be honored to be counted among the Estate Managers for all of the Independent State, and to be able to provide the community with such support as I can.
With my love,
dancing with Miss Samantha Glume.
Her Grace of Carntaigh, Gabrielle Riel, dances nearby as she provides the music for the event
The Anniversary Badge
seen in picture (among others): Miss Terry Lightfoot, Dr. Oolon Sputnik, Iason Hassanov, Cornelia Rothschild
Enjoying the impromptu party venue provided in Middlesea by Colonel O'Toole on one of his ships. A large and jovial crowd assembled.
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